25 Feb 2019 | Our stories
Congratulations to Demival Vasques Filho (Demi), our latest student to successfully defend his PhD thesis. Demi undertook his PhD on ‘Structure and dynamics of social bipartite and projected networks’ at the University of Auckland, under the supervision of Te Pūnaha...
21 Jan 2019 | Our stories
Congratulations to Te Pūnaha Matatini PhD student Kyle Higham, our much admired and highly active TPM Whānau past-chair and member, who successfully defended his PhD thesis recently. Kyle undertook his PhD at the Victoria University of Wellington, researching...
14 Sep 2018 | Our stories
Congratulations to Samin Aref, a highly valued member of the TPM Whānau, for handing in his PhD thesis recently. Samin commenced his PhD under the supervision of TPM Investigator Mark Wilson, working on computationally intensive problems in complex networks. Samin has...
12 Feb 2018 | Our stories
Before I started working as a research assistant on the Hidden Networks project, the only woman from the history of New Zealand science I could name was Joan Wiffen, the “dinosaur lady” who discovered New Zealand’s first dinosaur fossils in Hawke’s Bay. She was a...