Caring for our earthly kin

Caring for our earthly kin

11 July 2024 A collaboration between environmental geographer Emma Sharp and illustrator Jean Donaldson. Edited by Anna Brown and Jonathan Burgess. Soil is complex. Beautiful. Wondrous. It gives us food, foundations and filters the air we breathe and water we drink....
Every flush a donation to science

Every flush a donation to science

8 April 2024 A collaboration between analytical chemist Lisa Pilkington and illustrator Jean Donaldson. Edited by Anna Brown and Jonathan Burgess. You probably don’t give a second thought to what you flush down the toilet. But wastewater and all that it contains...
An ancient witness to changing land stewardship

An ancient witness to changing land stewardship

4 March 2024 A collaboration between freshwater ecologist Kati Doehring and illustrator Jean Donaldson. Edited by Jonathan Burgess. Tēnā koe – let me introduce myself. My name is dacrydium cupressinum, but most of you would know me as rimu. Gather close, for I have a...