Te Rerekohu Tuterangiwhiu
Principal Investigator
Ko Mongero te Maunga. Ko te Huehue te Awa. Ka rere ki Punakītere, Ka rere ki te awa o Waimā-Tuhirangi, Ka rere ki te Puna o te Ao Mārama, ki te awa o Te Hokianga nui a Kupe, ka tau ki te Moana Tapokopoko a Tawhaki. Ko Ngai Tāwake ko Ngati Waihārō tēnei. I tupu ake ahau i roto i te Tai Tokerau, ā, ko te reo Māori tōku reo tuatahi, otirā, tōku oro whanake. Ko te ao māori te tāhuhu nui o āku mahi katoa.
Te Rerekohu Tuterangiwhiu is currently a Kaiārahi Rangahau Kaimōana at Cawthron Institute in Nelson. He is interested in areas where science and pūtaiao meet, traditional and customary practices and those practices that are encompassing of manaakitanga and kaitiakitanga in te ao tūroa the natural world.
Te Rerekohu’s approach to research was inspired by growing up in the presence of native speakers and practitioners of mātauranga Māori in Ngāpuhi.
Find out more about Te Rerekohu